Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Scan results

I had forgotten that I didn't update the website with the latest CT Scan results, so the last post is a little out of order.

On the cancer side of things, Kaelyn has been pronounce cancer free!!!!! That is reason enough to celebrate! The scan showed no signs of cancerous cells anywhere in her lungs or new liver. Oncologists and Surgeons are still disagreeing on whether to give Kaelyn any further chemo. The oncologists seem to feel that there is no need, while our surgeons think that it would be a good idea just for precautionary measures. I think they are going to give Kaelyn at least another month to recover from surgery before they make their final decision. But for now, we are celebrating the fact that Kaelyn is in remission!

The results from the liver portion of the scan are not as promising. Her hepatic artery is in fact clogged and the part of the liver that contains the bile ducts is not receiving adequate blood flow at this time. In result of this, the bile ducts are beginning to clogg, which could result in scar tissue and infection. Like I said in the previous post, this may lead us another liver transplant. There is the chance that her liver could compensate for the inadequate blood flow with the working portal vein. There has been some cases where the liver functioned normally without blood flow from the hepatic artery. This is what we are praying for. But we are preparing for another transplant. Our doctors are preparing the necessary paperwork and bloodwork to relist Kaelyn on the National Organ List.

Let us all celebrate in the fact that Kaelyn is atleast Cancer free. That is a miracle all in it's self! And right now at this moment she is feeling healthy and well. We definitely have many things to be thankful for during this holiday season. Love to all.


Monday, November 15, 2004

Kaelyn had to be readmitted last week for diarrhea and vomiting. We think she just had the stomach flu. But because of her clogged bile duct, the doctors wanted to make sure she didn't have an infection or was going into rejection. After being in the hospital for 5 days they finally let her go because all of the test were negative. Thank heavens!

We do have some not so great news though. The surgeons are considering relisting Kaelyn for a second transplant if the blockage in her bile ducts do not correct themselves. Normally they could place a drain and the ducts would usually clear up and start functioning properly. But because of the thrombosis (clot) in her hepatic artery, they don't believe that the drains would be a permanent solution for the bile duct issue. We basically are just waiting to see if her liver will some how compensate for the loss of blood flow from the artery. Dr Healey, our surgeon, has said that is some cases this is possible. So please pray our girls liver to be able to compensate for this.

Thank you all for your love and concern. We will keep you updated.