Monday, September 25, 2006

Scan for bile leakage

Today Kaelyn had what is called a Hide-a-scan (I am pretty sure that is not how it is spelled, but that is how it sounds). This scan uses radioactive liquid that is injected into the broviac line and is traced through the body with a camera. It took almost two hours to complete. Kaelyn did a pretty good job with it and even fell asleep about the last 10 minutes. The results were good, no leakage that could be seen. Tomorrow they are going to run a shorter version of the test to make sure there is no remaining radioactive particles in her system. If they find some it could mean that there is a small leak. But today's scan points to no leak. Yeah! So, they reason for the green drainage could be that it is an old hematoma that is only now being drained. I guess blood can turn a bile "ish" green color when it gets old.

We talked a little bit about when we get to take Kaelyn home today. It will probably be two more weeks. Her weaning off of the narcotics will most likely take that long to complete. She has just been on them too long to go any quicker.

Jacob is doing okay with all of this. He came to visit us in the hospital yesterday and I think we had a pretty good time. Right when he was leaving though, he asked me when he was going to see me again. That just about broke my heart. No 6 year old should have to worry about the next time he can see his mom, especially in a happily married, functioning family. That is one part of this whole experience that still makes my heart hurt. How is this going to affect Jacob. Though he has been quite brave and non-angry about the whole thing. He is such a special kid.

Once again, I put my trust in the Lord and pray that all will be well.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Making progress...

Kaelyn seems to slowly be getting better. This morning she woke up and was playing and scooting all over her bed. An hour later though she was worn out and is now taking a mid-morning nap. It was fun to see her want to play so much! Her tummy is still kindof of full looking, like there may be some fluid collecting in her abdomen. The drainage out of her drain looks green. They tested it for bilirubin yesteday and it does have a fair amount in it. So there may be some sort of leakage of bile somewhere. Tomorrow Dr. Healey will probably make a suggestion on what, if anything, we need to do about it. Atleast she is not fevering and in too much pain. We actually are starting to wean her again off of her narcotics. That is another good sign that things are moving in the right direction.

