Monday, June 26, 2006

Anyone for a tube change?

Biliary drains are really annoying, if anyone is wondering. They clog up with the stickiest gunk, bile, and then give Kaelyn all sorts of woes. We went in last Friday for a tube change, and by Sunday it was already clogged. So I think we will be going in again today or tomorrow whenever they can get us in. The IR Doc that usually performs her exchanges is out on vacation for two weeks and there is no one else at Children's who does it. Is that crazy or what! So they have to try and schedule one of the University of Washington's IR docs to come over. So that means we will probably have to be inpatient and just wait until he has an opening. Can you tell I am feeling a little jaded today, sorry. I think the reason I am crazy today is that we are trying to go to Utah to visit my family, including my grandmother who was just diagnosed with cancer, in a few days and it is feeling almost impossible to get Kaelyn to a place that she could enjoy the trip and not have to spend it all at Primary Children's in Salt Lake City. So please pray for Kaelyn that her biliary drain can remain stable for atleast a week.

I will let you all know how the next week plays out.

