Kaelyn's Liver functions are actually doing better, except for her GGT. The GGT is the number that shows how the bile ducts are doing. It is higher than last week, but not as high as it has been. On top of that, she had a couple of white stools. So, I called the docs and told them this and they scheduled her for an ultrasound. We went in yesterday to have this done. I haven't heard anything back on the final report, but the radiologist said that her central bile ducts are more dilated than the past ultrasound, they are measuring 8mm and the previous ultrasound showed 3mm. He was a little baffled that only the central ducts are dilated and not any of the peripheral ducts. One possibility, he said, was that she may have an infection in there. Dr. Book was out of the office on friday, so hopefully on Monday we will know where to go from here. At least her liver functions are better, so no biopsy for now. That's good!
I am not too worried. Her stools are back to normal color as of yesterday, so at least we know bile is flowing and not completely obstructed. She really is doing well, so don't worry. I will update when I hear the final report on the ultrasound hopefully Monday.