Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Hello Everyone!

Here is the newest news on Kaelyn's condition. We had a CT Scan done on Wednesday this week. Everything is looking wonderful. Wade and I saw the first scans that were done when she was first diagnosed compared to these latest scans and the tumors have shrunk amazingly well. Her liver tumor is at a size where they could resect it if she didn't have the lung metasteses. And the lung tumors are probably 2/3's the size of what they were before we started chemo! It was really great to see the comparison. It helped us feel that all of this chemo is doing it's job and that we can make it

So, I am sure you are all wondering where we go from here. We have already started her third round of chemo and expect to do at least one more round. So the time frame is 6 more weeks of chemo and then they will do another CT Scan to see the progress once again. The doctors seem to expect that after these two rounds of chemo that her lung tumors will be gone and then they will be able to perform surgery to resect the liver tumor. This is all VERY good news to us. After surgery she will still have to do 2 more rounds of chemo (6 weeks) to kill any left over cancer cells. But then she will only have to go into the doctor for check ups, no more chemo by Christmas if all goes well! This is what we hope and pray will happen.

Keep us in your prayers...His power is amazing. We feel His love all around us and the strength just keeps coming even when I think I have no more. Thank you for your support and prayers. We love you all and will keep you updated as often as we can.

Love to you!
Angie Perry

1 comment:

Angie, Wade, Jacob and Kaelyn said...

Archiving is working, I think you're set! Hang in there kiddo.

Your Pal,
-Anthony Reale