Wednesday, September 01, 2004

September 1, 2004

Well, what would life be like without a little turbulance right. We have discovered that our insurance will only cover the liver transplant in Palo Alto, CA at the Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital (LCPH). This hospital is affiliated with Stanford University, and is considered the best liver transplant location in the Western US. Our surgeon here has tried his hardest to plea to our insurance medical director to have the surgery here, but to no avail. We are preparing to go to LCPH soon, probably within the next week. This, at first, was VERY stressful news, but as we are learning more about the program there and talking with the liver transplant coordinater our nerves are starting to calm. It seems that they have performed hundreds of cases just like Kaelyn's, and Childrens here in Seattle has only performed one in the past year. So, the experience of the surgeons at LPCH is very comforting.

I will hear back from LPCH today on when we can get Kaelyn in to consult with the surgeons and legions of other doctors and specialists. I expect it will be early next week. Then, Kaelyn and I (Angie) will most likely be staying in CA until we get a liver and beyond for recovery. Wade and Jacob are going to join us when we hear the organ is available.

Our insurance will reimburse costs for Kaelyn and my transportation. Also for the families accomodations and transportation there in CA. We will need to pay for Wade and Jacob's flight and also all of our food. Hopefully, that will be all of the additional costs for our journey to LPCH.

We are still planning on holding a special fast for Kaelyn and her surgeons this coming Sunday. Please join us if you are able.

We love you all and appreciate all of your prayers and concern for our little angel.


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