Monday, September 20, 2004

September 20, 2004

Hi All,

I know you are all wondering what is going on here with Kaelyn's transplant. Well, we are still waiting for an organ. It is now day 12 on the list. The median wait time is 11 days, so we are thinking it should be anytime now.

Actually the wait time has been fairly enjoyable. Kaelyn has been feeling really good, since she has not had any chemo treatments in about five weeks. It has been so fun seeing her explore and push her little boundaries. She is finally sleeping through the night! Yeah for all of us! She is starting to scoot her little bum to get around, following in her big brothers footsteps (or should I say bum scoots!). She still would prefer to be held or walked holding onto someone's fingers, but it is a start! She loves to sing! It is so cute! Her favorites are "Patty Cake" and "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". Her words are not distinguishable, but we can tell what song it is with the accompanying hand movements. She also is songwriter, singing some extremely cute original compositions.

Jacob is also growing so quickly! He told me yesterday that after he is done being a big boy, he is going to be teenager. AHHHHHH! I don't know where that came from! He also said that Heavenly Father made his best friend Jacob (yep, same name, different boy) just for him so that they could play all the time together. I love hearing the things that come out of his mouth! He loves preschool and going to primary at church. (His best friend, Jacob, attends both the same school and same church!)

I will definitely update the website when we hear the news that an organ is available. In the mean time, we are just going to enjoy our beautiful children and wait for that phone to ring.

Love to all,


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