Saturday, November 27, 2004


Kaelyn will be relisted on the National Organ Transplant list on Monday, November 29th. Dr. Healey feels that it will be inevitable that Kaelyn will need a second transplant. It is better to get the surgery done while she is well, then to wait until she is sick. I agree with him. It also is better to do the surgery before scar tissue begins to build too much from her previous transplant. Atleast we have time on our side this go around. She is not sick like she was before and her cancer is no longer an issue. So, the surgeons are going to be very picky on what livers get offered to her. So, hopefully we can avoid any further complications with the new liver.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We really enjoyed the time with our family and giving thanks for our many blessings. We continue to see God's hand in all of this, Kaelyn's remission from cancer is a miracle in its self.

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