Thursday, January 27, 2005

Liver Biopsy

This week has been a huge whirlwind of emotions and events. On Monday we went into our normal clinic visit and all seemed well. That evening we received a call from the surgeons. They said that Kaelyn's potassium level was very high and they wanted her in for labs the next morning. They also warned us that a high level could cause seizure or black outs and at worst cardiac arrest. Needless to say we did not sleep well that night. Her potassium level was fine, it was just a lab error, but her liver function results had skyrocketed to almost double what they were last week. So, we recieved a call on Wednesday afternoon telling us that Kaelyn needed to come into the hospital with in the week for a liver biopsy to test for infection or a possible rejection episode. That brings us to today - Thursday. We came into Childrens early this morning for an ultrasound - we have not heard official results of that yet, but it looked about the same as previous ultrasounds, some slight blood flow noted into the liver from the hepatic artery but not much. Then it was off to surgery for a biopsy. This in itself is not too invasive, they just a use a hollow needle to exact some tissue from the liver, but Kaelyn was fasting, had no nap and was very cranky afterward. She didn't handle the anestesia well, vomited and also had a bad bleeding episode after taking out her IV. She is finally asleep now, and peaceful. We will be staying the night here at Childrens and will hear the results of the biopsy tomorrow afternoon.
I will place an update tomorrow after we hear the results.

Please keep Kaelyn in your thoughts and prayers. She is so precious and now that she is older and has tasted freedom the past two months she does not want to be here at all. I don't blame her, either do I.

Love to everyone,


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