Saturday, March 05, 2005

Preliminary biopsy results...

Well, it is not good. From the preliminary pathology report it looks like Kaelyn cancer is back. Her biopsy went as planned, but she is in a lot of pain. I guess anytime you meddle with the lungs, it is pretty painful. She is doing better this morning than she was last night, but deffinitely not herself.

Here is the plan for the next week. She will go in for a chest x-ray this afternoon and if that looks good they will take out her chest tube (that was used for draining the biopsy site). Tomorrow we will just let her rest and recover. Monday she will go through a series of tests to check her heart and kidney function. Tuesday she will most likely go through another attempt to place the internal bile drain. It is imperitive that we get this working. If we cannot get the liver functioning well she will not have many choices for chemotherapy. Most of the chemo used is cleared through the liver. If the liver cannot process the drug it will stay in the body and cause a whole lot of nasty things I don't even want to think about. Also on tuesday the tumor board will meet to discuss Kaelyn and treatment options - the final pathology results will be in by then.

Dr. Thomson, Kaelyn's primary oncologist, stopped in to her room last night and talked with Wade and I. The treatment of recurrent cancer is far more intense and because of this more side effects will come. The treatment will probably take about 6 months to complete. She also talked about how if the liver will not tolerate the chemo, we will not have many options. It was a very hard night last night. But Dr. Healey, Kaelyns transplant surgeon, was a bit more optomistic for the liver. The livers function itself is good. We just need to get the bile draining more adequately to alleviate the inflammation and possibility of infection. So he gave us more hope. She will be highly suseptable to infection and virus' because of her immunosuppression and then adding chemo on top. I am sure we will be in the hospital a whole lot more this time around.

There is so much information that was given to us. I will update as often as I can to keep you all up to date on her progress. This sunday, March 6, we will be holding a special fast for Kaelyn. If you would like to participate. Please keep Kaelyn in your prayers. I know that God lives and he loves us. I also believe that miracles still exist and can be granted if it is His will. This is my prayer, that Kaelyn will be given a miracle from her loving Father in Heaven.

Love to all,


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