Tuesday, November 29, 2005

AFP Stable!

Well, Kaelyn's AFP is still stable at 0.9 after 2 weeks off of chemo! It is very exciting. She is going to have one more week off because she is being treated for C-Dif, which is when antibiotics have killed all of the good bacteria in the bowels and the bad bacteria has taken over. It causes horrible diarrhea and cramping. Luckily Kaelyn is doing much better now that she is on a new antibiotic that replaces the good bacteria in the bowel.

Because Kaelyn's AFP is stable we are going ahead with the thoracotamy (removal of the lung tumors). We talk with Dr. Healey on Dec. 5th to discuss the surgery and what to expect. She will have one more week of Chemo and then on the 16th of December will most likely be the surgery. If the nodules come back with no viable tumor we will go into a waiting period of about three months with no chemo to see what her AFP will do. If it remains stable Kaelyn will then be placed on the transplant waiting list to receive her second transplant. We are also going to explore the possibility of have a living/related transplant to cut down on the wait time on the list. I know that Wade and I are willing to donate if we are a match to our girl.

So our December is going to be a full month that's for sure! The kids are very excited for Christmas and talk about it nearly every day! Jacob is still enjoying Kindergarten to the fullest! He is learning so much! He can sit down and write the whole alphabet without any help and he just starting to learn to read simple words. It is so amazing to see how fast his brain can learn new concepts and soak up so much new information. Kaelyn is speaking so well now. She sounds like a little adult! She loves to make up her own songs and sing them all around the house.

We sure love all of you out there and wish you all a very happy Christmas.



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