Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Kaelyn is still having quite a bit of pain from her enlarged liver and spleen. They seem to be taking up all of her abdominal space. This means her stomach and bottom portion of her lungs are being squished. She had a CT scan a few weeks ago and they noticed that one of the three nodules that presented themselves in the previous scan was enlarged. The other two were smaller or gone all together. The docs are thinking that this is probably another lymph node that is just enlarged from all of the infections she is still recovering from. So, instead of doing a biopsy of the nodule we are going to wait a month and rescan her to see if it had reduced in size any. She also is able to stay listed. If a offer for a liver comes in before we are able to rescan her we will just have her scanned right before her transplant to insure that the nodule has reduced.

This is all very relieving for us, we did not want to put her through another biopsy so close to the last one. The docs also mentioned that her name has come up a couple of times when an offer has come in and they think that she should not have to wait too long. I am not sure what that means in surgeon talk, but I am guessing that it will be a couple more months.

I also rescheduled our trip to Palo Alto for the 22nd of June. That is the soonest that they could get her in. Maybe a liver will come in here before then and we will not have to worry about the trip. Wouldn't that be nice?!

Well, we are doing all we can to keep Kaelyn comfortable while we wait. She still has her sunny disposition and loving spirit. I don't think anything could take that from her. She is so strong.

Jacob only has three weeks left of school. I can't believe it! He will soon be a 1st grader. Time sure has a crazy way of slipping out of view! He is really growing up and such a kind and caring kid. I couldn't ask for better.

Love you all!


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