Friday, September 01, 2006

ICU day 1

Kaelyn is such a fiesty, fiery little chica. They have been giving her sedation every hour all night long and it has done very little. She wants that breathing tube out and her hands free. Every time she hears mine or Wade's voice she opens her eyes and tries to talk and cry. She also is arching her back, mind you all of her abdominal muscles are severed at this point, trying to sit up and get away. This is all a very good thing, though hard for a mommy to watch. Thankfully this morning at rounds the doctors agread that she needs to be more sedated so she will not injure herself. So they are starting her on a different sedative that will basically knock her out for a few days. They need to keep her intubated until they can close up her belly, which will probably be on Monday. She is still fairly swollen, but they expect that through the weekend it will decrease so they can sew her up. The reason she has so much edema is because they had to clamp her native veins and arteries for such a long time (70 minutes)in order to sew in the new liver.

This mornings ultrasound was very promising. All of the blood flow to the liver is working. She is producing bile and her liver function tests are actually very good at the moment. We could not ask for more.

So, the plan is to try and keep her asleep so her body will recover and the edema will go down. Monday will hopefully be when we can close her abdomen and extubate her.

Love to all!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the email. Sorry you are going through all of this for a second time but I am very happy for you and it is wonderful to read that things are going well. Continued Thoughts and Prayers,