Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cholangiogram and tube placement

So, Kaelyn is currently in IR for her cholangiogram and tube placement. They are planning on doing the balloon thing through the blockage today. So hopefully that goes well. She has been in surgery for about an hour and a half right now. Usually it only takes an hour. It always makes me a little nervous when things start going longer than normal.

Halloween was so much fun last night! Jacob was a veterinarian and Kaelyn was a mermaid princess. They looked so good! I did get some pictures, but cannot find my USB connector for the cammera...hopefully I will find it soon so I can start posting pictures again. Kaelyn has changed so much since her transplant. She has so much hair! I actually gave her bangs a little trim a couple of weeks ago, her first haircut! She was so happy! She said, "mommy, that didn't even hurt!" I think she was a little nervous of the scissors coming so close to her fore head. She is such a cute doll. And Jacob is just growing up so fast. His teacher says that he is such a great kid in class and that he is an example to all of his classmates! He is learning to read and write! I love 1st grade! It's so fun to see him sit down and try and read a book. I loves to write on white boards and put little messages on them. The last one he did was I love mom. Melt my heart!!!

I will try and post later today to let you all know how it went.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie, It's good to hear how things are going for you. I'll pray that this surgery goes smoothly.
Love and prayers, Megan