Friday, November 17, 2006

Good news...

Kaelyn is doing so good! Her docs have given her the okay to start preschool! I think I will start her on Monday. She is so excited. It will be so good for her to do some normal three year old things and play with different kids. They also tapered down her prednisone (steroid) to every other day. Which is wonderful! The only issue that we have is with Bob, her JP drain. Dr. Healey thinks that maybe because we have had it to suction that there has been too much negetive pressure not allowing the little leak to heal. So, we have taken off the suction and will see what happens. So far, Bob is still draining but it will take time for the leak to heal.

Kaelyn does have a rountine CT scan and oncology clinic visit scheduled for the end of this month. We have to do this every three months. She also has a routine biliary drain change scheduled for the beginning of December. Hopefully all of this will lead up to a very uneventful, blissfully simple holiday season. If I don't post again before next week, everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!



PS: I finally posted some pics of the kids from halloween. The other is one that the hospital is using in one of there mailer add campains (my daughter, the super model!)


Anonymous said...

She has so much hair! She really is a little super model! I am so excited to see everybody over Thanksgiving. Love ya tons. liz

Anonymous said...

Cover girl to mailer feature--uh, the whole modeling thing might not be such a joke before long. ;) Just soemthing' to think about. (I know an agency in Bellevue)

Anonymous said...

Kaelyn looks like her Mommy did at that same age. She looks great!!
And Jacob looks like HE should be a Vet...
Can't wait to see all of you in person.

Love you


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to see pictures of Kaelyn! She's such a doll, and look...HAIR!
Always love the updates...Megan