Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Kaelyn in ICU

Last night Kaelyn spiked a fever around 11 pm accompanied with horrible tummy pain. So we brought her into the ER. As always, by the time we got to the hospital her fever had gone down and she was feeling a little bit better. So we waited for labs to come back and decide what to do. Her liver numbers are all okay still, but her white cell count was fairly elevated and she had a band (immature cells that point to infection) count of 75% which is really high. So we were just about on our way to a room and the ER nurse wanted to do one more set of vitals (thank goodness). Kaelyn's blood pressure was really low, like 50/20 normal is around 110/80 for her. So we had the swarm of ER docs, nurses and PICU fellows in our room watching her for about 2 hours while they pumped her full of fluids and antibiotics and started a dopamine (blood pressure med) drip. Finally her pressures started to come up. She was transfered into the ICU. Right now she is doing so much better. She is totally off of the dopamine and her pressures are stable. She was in septic shock. Sound familiar? She went through this the very first time she had her biliary drain placed. Only that time was much more serious. But when they mentioned that this was what was happening my heart dropped. It was so scarry the first time. Thank heavens that it was not quite as serious this time because we caught it earlier.

She's sleeping right now and we will hopefully be transferred out of the ICU tomorrow. What a day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*hugs and love*