Friday, February 09, 2007

Biliary drain out...

Oh man, what a past 48 hours. Yesterday I came to Children's for Kaelyn's labs and clinic appointment. We dropped off her labs and were heading to the car to meet Wade for lunch to pass the few hours we had until her clinic appointment. I was taking her out of her stroller and noticed her tube was stuck on one of the clips in the stroller, so I unhooked it. I pulled her out of the stroller and set her in her carseat. I turned around to put the stroller away and on the seat was her biliary drain! I quickley turned back to Kaelyn and asked her frantically if she was alright, she said yeah mommy, it didn't hurt. It didn't hurt! I had accidentally pulled out an 18 inch long drain from her intestines and liver and she said it didn't hurt. I was relieved, but knew that back into the hospital we had to go. I called her transplant coordinator and she came and took a look at it and dressed it becuase if was a little leaky. She also called Dr. Horslen and he thought that it could wait until he looked at it in clinic in a couple of hours. So off we went to meet Wade, again, for lunch. During lunch Kaelyn started getting the chills and so we drove back into the hospital a little early. She got into clinic and was starting to fever. So we took blook cultures and she was admitted. The rest of the day was pretty frightening. Her blood pressure was low and her heart rate and temperature were high. She was given tylonal and a couple of boluses of fluids plus antibiotics. The nurses took her blood pressure every hour through the night and finally she started to stabilize. This morning she had an ultrasound to see how the bile ducts looked and to make sure there was not fluid collections anywhere. No fluid, but her ducts looked dialated. So back into IR to get a new drain placed. Luckily they old tract was still open so they were able to slip the new drain in fairly easily. And the end of the drama is, Kaelyn is doing much better sitting in her bed painting her fingers and hands with finger paints with a new drain in place. I felt really bad about the whole thing, but am really relieved that she is better now. Her cultures did come back positive this morning, so we will be in the hospital for a few more days. I am hoping that by Sunday we will be able to go home, but we will see.

Love to all!



Anonymous said...

Ya know that saying that S--tuff happens. Glad that things turned out well.
We still love ya..


Anonymous said...

Oh, Ange--
You know our hearts are with you guys. I'm just glad it's all been ok in the end. Accidents happen. *hugshugshugs*

Anonymous said...

crazy!!!!!!! I'm glad things seem to be calmer, now.
It reminds me of when I accidentally pulled out Tanner NJ tube and PICC line both within a week of each other!
Hope Kaelyn gets better really soon and you guys can get home...
always thinking of you...