Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Yeah! Kaelyn was discharged yesterday. She had no growth on her cultures and her cholangiogram went very well. They did it without sedation to see if the tube was blocked or if there were any new strictures or pooling of bile. Kaelyn is such a super girl! She did just great. The IR Docs did not see anything new. There was a slight stricture in the same spot as usual, but bile was flowing just fine through it. She also had her 6 month routine CT scans done, again without sedation! I think all of the techs and radiologists think she is amazing (and she is, of course). She was so still, it went very well. I have not heard results from that. On Monday we have her official transplant clinic appointment. I think we are going to discuss her ct's then.

Well, all is going great so far. We are going to move into our new home on Monday. I finally got to see it for myself last night, Wade did good. It is so cute! I really love it!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you made it to Utah safely, hope you had a Happy Birthdayu, even though it was almost a week ago