Sunday, July 29, 2007

No real news...

I just wanted to post just so everyone knows that we are still around! Sorry it has been so long. Kaelyn did have a tube change last week. It had gotten pulled a little bit out of place. The IR doc did not stitch it in the last time! I was a little perturbed to say the least. This time he did stitch it. She has not been feeling the greatest since then. We were supposed to go to Yellowstone today for a family reunion. But I had a bad feeling about taking her today, so we sent Jacob with his Grandma so he could enjoy some vacation and I took Kaelyn into Primary Children's for lab work. I have not heard the results yet, so probably in the morning. I am just afraid that we will get up to Yellowstone and Kaelyn will get a fever, what do we do then? Well....she is feeling better tonight than she did this morning, so we will see. Maybe tomorrow or the next day we will go up and join Jacob. I hope so. It really is hard to miss those family memories...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That IR doc is not my favorite of people lately...

