Monday, November 12, 2007

Kaelyn is home...

Kaelyn was discharged on Saturday. Her second set of blood cultures done before antibiotics was they are very confused on whether she actually had a blood infection or if the first culture was just contaminated somehow. She does have an ear infection and a bladder infection...thus the fevers. So, she is fine.

Jacob has a double ear infection and a sinus infection. That boy never complains. I didn't even know he was sick. He was stuffy, but he has bad allergies so I just chalked it up to that. On Friday, while I was in the hospital with Kaelyn, the school called my dad to have him pick up Jacob because he said his ear hurt. My mom made him a doc appointment and they said that he had the worst ear infection that she had seen so far. I couldn't believe it! He is just the sweetest kid. I don't know if he just has a high tolerance for pain or if he thought he had to be brave and strong since Kaelyn was in the hospital. I sure love that boy...I only hope that he knows he is just as important to me as Kaelyn.

Well...the sick Perry household is all on antibiotics, except Wade. I, too, have a sinus infection. Luckily we are on the down side of the slope now.

Love to everyone!


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