Thursday, November 08, 2007

not feeling good...

Kaelyn and I spent most of the night at Primary's ER last night. She had a pretty high fever, 103. I had taken her to her pediatrician during day. She (and I) have been pretty sick with a cold. I thought maybe hers had turned into a sinus infection. Her belly was more firm than normal, so we took an X-ray - they were afraid that maybe she had a bowel obstruction, but couldn't tell because her colon was very impacted. And her fever started to peak even on tylonal. So into the ER we went. It was not fun. They gave her an IV (which Kaelyn hates), drew blood for liver functions and cultures, X-rayed her chest, gave her an enema (I have never seen one before and hope that Kaelyn never has to have one again....) and sucked the mucus out of her nose to test for common viral infections. Needless to say, Kaelyn was not a happy camper. Her labs came back a little elevated, but not anything to drastic. Which is good news. She did not have a bowel obstruction more good news. The consensus - common cold. So I was relieved and a little reluctant to believe the diagnosis because of past experience. So I made them keep her until her fever went down. They wanted to send us home while her temp was at it's highest! I couldn't get the images of her going into septic shock if we went home out of my mind - so we waited. After about another hour, her temp went down and we went home. She is still miserable and fevering, but I believe that she really does just have a bad virus. You just have to be so careful with could mean so many things in our Kaelyn...rejection, colangitis, bacteremia, not just cold.

I think I just rambled that in a very jumbled post...hopefully you can make sense of it. Kaelyn is okay, just commonly sick.

To switch subjects, I have some friends here in Utah that have been through very similar experiences with their son - Stage IV Hepatoblastoma and liver transplantation. Someone took advantage of their story and tried to pass it off as her own and got caught (thank goodness). It just infuriates me! One of he local news channels here in Utah is airing their story tonight. If you would like to watch I posted the link at the bottom of this post.

If you can not get to it via the link, go to For those of you out of state, you will be able to see the story in its entirety beginning Friday morning.

The story is called "From Healing to Heartbreak". I hope it opens peoples eyes and to you Megan, Jason, Tanner and Family...


Angie would like you to see this video:

Personal Message:
This is the link to Healing to Heartbreak


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