Monday, December 17, 2007

CT Scans and AFP

Kaelyn had her three month AFP drawn last week. It was at 3, which is still in the normal range of 0 - 15. It has been always 1 or below since her last chemo treatments two years ago, so the little bump does flag my worry. But I have to remember that it is still in the normal range, so I am going to try and not worry about it. Another good thing is that she had her 6 month CT scans done on Thursday and they saw no evidence of cancer. YIPPEEEE!!! This means that Kaelyn has been cancer free for two whole years!! That is just amazing. What a wonderful Christmas gift, I don't need anything else....

She has been battling yet another cold this past week, and contracted pink eye in both eyes. Her eyes are looking much better after a few days of treatment, but she still cannot shake the cold. Each day she gets a little better though. I think she will be healthy and well next week for Christmas (she asks me every night if tomorrow is Christmas - I think she is just a little excited!).

The words of the hymn Count Your Many Blessings has been repeating in my head for about a week now, "Count your many blessings, name them one by one - and it will surprise you what the Lord has done...." I am truly surprised and eternally greatful for the many blessings the the Lord has seen to grant me and my little family. I love the Savior...He has been my Light and Strength for the past four years. I know that whatever the future holds for Kaelyn, that He will be there to share in the joy, burden and sorrow of what may come. My Kaelyn is a miracle...and I am forever thankful for the time we have shared through the Grace of our Father. I pray that we will continue to be able to share good news on this blog. It has been so wonderful to write of all the good, happy times.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, count your many blessings...



Lisa R.D. said...


I am glad to have found your blog--thanks for visiting ours. We had heard that your family had been going through some health problems with your sweet Kaelyn--we are sorry that you have had to bear so much. I am very happy to hear that this month marks two years without cancer! Something to be very grateful for indeed. We are looking forward to reading your history (past entries) to catch us up on all that has happened. Ryan has said many good things about you--and I think we may have had the chance to meet briefly several years ago at a park in Bountiful when a bunch of Tooele friends got together for a picnic and visit? Anyhow, looking forward to getting to know you better through blogging.

We hope your holidays are wonderful and that Kaelyn stays healthy.

Lisa Harper

Anonymous said...

wade and family!

sounds like you guy have been doing good out there! i hope that everything continues on a positive road.

wade is still sorely missed here at nintendo. along with his pinstripes.

take care!!
scott johnson