Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kaelyn and Jacob

Kaelyn and Jacob, originally uploaded by perryupdate.

I had to put this picture up on the blog. Too cute! I love these kids....I also added a whole bunch of pictures, including Kaelyn's birthday, onto flickr. Just click on the link to the right. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

These pictures really touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes.
Kaelyn is nolonger the bald, no hair anyware, pale sick baby, she is a healthy 5 year old. Jacob no longer has the confused and lost look in his eyes, he is an intelligent and happy almost 8 year old. I thought miracles happened but when I look at these pictures, I KNOW that miracles happen.
Love you


mandamike said...

Best Picture EVER! I love those kids so much!!!

Unknown said...

Angie, I'm so glad I found your blog. I found it through Michelle Dickson. I've been wondering how you all are. I'm so glad to see that cute picture of your kids! I can't believe Kaelyn is 5 now! I'm so glad things are looking good for her. I'm glad that I can check up on you guys now. Where are you living?
Liz Houston

Becky said...

Your kids are so adorable! I'm sure going to miss the play, but in ways I'm glad it's over! I hope things keep looking up for your family, you guys deserve the best!

Janelle said...

Oh my gosh - they are so BIG! And so CUTE!! Wow!! To see Kaelyn looking so healthy, it just makes me happy!