Sunday, October 12, 2008

A little rejection anyone?

So, this past week has been a little crazy. We went in on Monday for Kaelyn's routine tri-monthly transplant clinic. Everything was going really well, until labs. Her liver functions were up, way up. So we scheduled her for a liver biopsy the next day. Our 1 hour clinic visit ended up a 5 hour clinic visit with us coming back first thing (6 am) the next morning. She was really nervous for her "surgery". Kaelyn told me that she doesn't remember having surgeries in the past and she was really scared. She said that she didn't want to have a surgery for 1000 years. It was really heart saddening. When she came out of the biopsy she asked me if she had her surgery yet, so I guess it all went well. The results are, that she is in mild rejection. We think that this all came about from her many colds in the past month. Her immune system bump-stared and started to go after her liver. She is on Prednisone (Steroids) and we upped her immunosuppression meds. Kaelyn on Steroids is not a pretty picture. She has many, many mood swings and is impossible to get to bed at night. Luckily today was her last high dose and she goes to a maintenance dose tomorrow. If her labs look better tomorrow than we will start to wean her off. We caught this quick, so I don't think that there will be any lasting effects. She will be fine and soon, steroid free (yeah for all of us!).

It's always a roller coaster, isn't it....

Love ya,


1 comment:

Megan Nielsen said...

I wondered what you guys had been up to! I'm sorry to hear about the rejection.
thinking of you always, hugs, Megan (tannersmom)