Friday, January 16, 2009

Liver numbers

Kaelyn's liver enzymes are up once again... Her docs lowered her immunosuppression last week, in hopes to not over medicate. But, labs show this week that her liver doesn't like it. Her enzymes are all up in the 300's again, they were rocking steady in the 50's for a while which was amazing. So, if the increase in immunosuppression meds doesn't do the trick, she will probably have to get another biopsy done next week to see if she is going into rejection again. I am going to put some positive vibes here by saying that I think that meds will work. Let's see if I am right. She gets labs done tomorrow night, we will probably hear results Monday or Tuesday.

In non liver news -
Kaelyn has discovered a new series of books that she absolutely adores! Skippyjon Jones. These books are hilarious! You do need to have a general idea on how to say a few Spanish words (nothing Dora can't teach you!) but the books are so funny. She goes around the house all day calling me "picklepants" or "bunny boots". She got a couple of the books for Christmas and one included an audio CD of the book read by the author. I think she listens to that thing at least 10 times a day! I just crack up when I read those books! Try them, they are great!

Jacob just started a book club at the local kids bookstore here in town. I think he is really going to enjoy it. He is currently reading the "Warrior" series. It's about cat warriors. I haven't read them yet, but he is really enjoying them.

I will post next week when we hear about Kaelyn's liver numbers.

Lots of love to you all,


1 comment:

Lisa R.D. said...

We just discovered Skippyjon Jones and it is a riot. Our kids think it's hilarious (and it is, in a bit of a twisted sort of way).

I things get better for Kaelyn... we'll be thinking of and praying for you all!