Sunday, March 13, 2005

Day 4 in the ICU

Kaelyn is doing much better today. We think that she will be able to be extubated (breathing tube taken out) today. They have just about weaned her completely off of her blood pressure medicine and she hasn't had a fever in a couple of days. It will be so good to be able to have her talk and be awake again. They have had to keep her pretty well sedated while the tube has been in.

She will probably stay in the ICU 1 or 2 more days for observation, to make sure she is stable. Then we will be transfered back to the surgical unit for a few more days. Hopefully by the end of next week we will be able to go home.

After Kaelyn has had some time to recover, we have decided that we are going to take a short family trip to Disneyland! We are getting very excited, Jacob especially. The hospital has very generously offered to pay for some of our expenses like park tickets and our hotel stay. We were pretty shocked when our social worker came in and gave us that news! We are very thankful.

And then, when we get back, we will start Kaelyn's chemotherapy.

Kaelyn's has definitely been blessed with angels surrounding her these past few days. I think the reason she is getting better is that everyone acted so quickly, and I believe that we were all prompted to do so by our loving Father in Heaven. He is watching over us and know of Kaelyn's suffering, and I know that He is blessing her and our family.

Love to all,


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