Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Out of the ICU!

Kaelyn was transferred out of the ICU yesterday about 3:30pm. We are now back on the surgical unit in a much quieter environment. She is resting comfortably and all of her vitals are stable and well. She is on a whole lot of drugs so she is very sleepy. We are weaning her off of the sedation and IV pain meds today, so hopefully tomorrow she will be more lively and herself.

We are clamping off the old drain to see if the new drain is working properly. If it is, I think they will take out the old drain tomorrow. The docs all assure me that there is little chance of her going into septic shock again from this procedure because she is on three different IV antibiotics. I must admit that I am a little nervous about them going in there again. But I also trust Dr. Healey and I know that he knows what he is doing. Taking the drain out is very simple, they will do it in her room, so really it should be fine.

This afternoon we are meeting with both the oncology people and the liver people together. I am very excited about this, so we can get things straight on her treatment and the effects on the liver. So, I will let you know the outcome of that meeting soon.

Love you,


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