Thursday, August 25, 2005

Tube Change...

So, we had to bring Kaelyn in today for a biliary tube change. This last one worked for a good two weeks though. Which, with our record lately, that is good.

She is in surgery right now. She should be feeling better by tomorrow.

Jacob is getting very excited for kindergarten. It starts in two weeks. I can't believe he is five, and he wonders when he is going to be six! He is such a joy to me though. He was so excited the other day when I was explaining to him that he has a spirit inside of him. He looked up at me and said, so when I move my arm, my spirit arm moves too? He also was excited to learn that his spirit looks just like him! He thought that was very neat.

Kaelyn was running around the other night just singing and dancing. She is so cute!! She also was pretending to be a butterfly. She really had a good week until last night when we could tell her tube was clogging up again. It is so fun to see her feel good.

Well, I will let everyone know how her tube change goes.


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