Saturday, September 03, 2005

Doing Good

Kaelyn's tube change was a little more challenging this time, but she is doing good now. Some of the contrast (dye) that they push through the tube to see how her bile ducts are doing somehow entered the pancreas. So she was at risk to get pancreatitis, which is not fun. They had her stay over night just for observation. We did get to go home the next day, but she was having so much pain with her bowel movements that we took her into the ER the next day. Her pancreas enzymes are all normal and we found out later that week that she has some tears in her anus that are causing the pain. She is always so constipated with the chemo that we think she ripped her bottom and it just has not had time to heal. So we put her on a faster acting stool softener than she was already on and got some numbing gel for her poor bottom. She is doing much better now. I was very worried about the pancreatitis risk and am so happy that she does not have it.

So, this week has been fairly uneventful - thank heavens! We have only had to go into the hospital for our normal chemo every day. It is so good to have this three day weekend ahead of us. It will be a nice little break before we start chemo again on Tuesday.

Jacob start kindergarten next Wednesday and he cannot wait. He wakes up every morning with the countdown number until kindergarten! He met his teacher and some of the kids in his class last week and that made him even more excited! I think he is going to just love it!

Well, we love you all. Have a great Labor Day weekend!



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