Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cholangiogram and tube placement

Kaelyn went in for her cholangiogram and tube placement on Friday. She did very well. The bile ducts look great! Isn't that good news! She does have a blockage or stricture in the anastamosis (place where the common bile duct is sewed onto the intestines), but this is the scenario that we hoped for. A drain was placed, but was not able to go through the stricture just yet. Her liver had too much swelling to risk trying to go to roughly and push their way through the stricture. So for now the drain is sitting inside her liver draining externally to decompress things in there. It seems to be working. The drain is putting out a lot and Kaelyn's pain is so much less than it was. On November 2 she will go back into the hospital for another cholangiogram and place the drain through the stricture with a balloon dilitation to open it up. Hopefully she will only need the drain for a little bit and when the stricture has opened up and stabilized we can take it out. I was just so happy when the docs came in and said her bile ducts look wonderful. I think that was just the best news we could have ever heard. I was so worried that we were heading into a repeat of the last two years. Thank goodness it's not.

We are now home as of yesterday, and Kaelyn is loving it! Unfortunately Jacob is sick, but he should get better soon.

Love to all!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear the good news. I've been checking for an update, and I'm excited that Kaelyn's home, her pain is less, and that her ducts look great!!! I'm thinking about you guys...Megan