Monday, April 30, 2007


We did get to come home on Friday, yeah! But, she has a cold now. No fun. As long as she doesn't get a fever we will be able to stay out of the hospital, cross your fingers.

On Wednesday Kaelyn get her ear molds made for her hearing aids. Hopefully that will go well. They just squirt some pick goo into her ears. It's soft and cold, so I think she will be all right.



Anonymous said...

First they'll put a little round sponge on a strong into her ear and then squirt in the goo. It's a little odd when the sound cuts out from that ear, but it's only for a few minutes, and you can talk her through it (if they do just one ear at a time).

Wahoo, swirly pink sparkly earmolds, here she comes!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing a picture of Kaelyn wearing her hearing aids on your blog!