Friday, May 04, 2007

Surprises around the corner...

I can finally post this since Wade has let his co-workers know. We are moving to Utah!! Wade has been looking for a job there for the past two months flying/driving to and from several times. He finally got an offer from the Salt Lake County Clerks Office to maintain and set-up all of their elections equipment. It should be a great job. He starts May 14th. He is going down first so we can wrap things up here with Kaelyn's hearing aids and Jacob can finish school. The kids and I should be there the end of June. I can't believe this is finally happening! Wade and I have been in washington for 10 years - longer than we expected when we first moved here. I get so excited, but also so nervous. I am very scared to leave all of Kaelyn's doctors and nurses. They have been so important in our lives for the past three years it is really hard to say goodbye and trust in new people. I know that once we meet the docs and nurses we will make good relationships too. It is just a very hard thing to do. I will miss them all very much. I also have made some very good friends here that have been an integral part of my sanity. But friends are friends no matter have far apart you are. I am also excited to finally be able to to a part of peoples lives in Utah that we have been missing for the past 10 years. Moms, dads, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends......that will be a good thing.

It has been a crazy week. We put our house up on the market on Tuesday. I don't think I have ever been this good of a house keeper....maybe I can carry on some of that to the next house (maybe;) Kaelyn had her biliary drain snap in half this week. She was climbing up some stairs and it got caught under her knee and snap. Luckily all of the internal parts stayed put. So the next day we went into the hospital and had a cholangiogram and tube change. It went well. Then right after that we had her molds made for her hearing aids. She chose some really cute ones. Her molds will be clear with pink sparklies and the behind the ear part is a very cute pink. I hope that she will transition easily into them. I guess we will see. On top of it all, Kaelyn has had a nasty cold and is still on IV antibiotics from her last biliary infection.

We are going to have Kaelyn's birthday part this sunday since grandma and grandpa Perry and Aunt Amanda and Uncle Mike are both moving to Utah next week. It should be fun. She wants Dora everything.

Love to everyone,


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