Monday, September 04, 2006

Day 4 in ICU

Kaelyn is doing okay. Her abdomin was a little more swollen than the day before. So last night they gave her some lasix to help her get rid of some of the excess fluid. It seemed to work, this morning her belly was one inch smaller than last night. Yesterday was a battle after she was taken off of her sedation. She was constantly moving and needing mommy. We finally figured out a regimen of benedryl and a suppository sedation that seemed to help her get some sleep last night.

Hopefully this afternoon they will take her into surgery to close her belly. If she is still too swollen they may still take her in and change the dressing and place additional drains to try and get rid of the extra fluid. If they can close her belly than she will probably be extubated either tonight or tomorrow, if no closing she will continue to be intubated until they can close her.

I will post again when they take her into surgery.


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