Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Not so bad...

Okay, we just talked with Dr. Reyes. He says things are not as bad as the radiologist lead us to believe. Yes, the left side of the liver does not look good, but there is still blood flow to it. It is probably in trauma and he hopes that it will recover. There is no need to go back into surgery today to check things out. They are just going to keep her well sedated and paralyzed so as not to irritate things. They are also going to keep her on her heparine for a long time, probably a month at least. They want to get her belly swelling down so they can get her closed. They are also going to continue to do Ultrasounds for the remainder of the week if not longer.

So, breath a little friends...her right side is functioning well and hopefully her left will follow suit with a little time.



Anonymous said...

That's great news! My prayers are with you Angie.
We're keeping out fingers crossed here in Kansas and you guys are never far from our thoughts.

Love ya,
Jon and Steph

Anonymous said...

Not so bad is good.

She'll come through ok. It'll even out. It's tough in the meantime, but she'll get there.

Hugs and loves to all of you and most especially Miss Chica.