Friday, September 15, 2006


Yeah! Kaelyn was finally extubated on Wednesday. That is why I haven't had a chance to post any new updates. She really needed me wednesday and that night she hardly got any sleep so I was not good for anything yesterday. So, this morning after a full nights rest (Wade stayed the night with her while I came home) I am finally updating the site. I apologize for missing two eventful days.

She still could not talk much, so it was frustrating for her not to be able to get her point across. Yesterday so could get out a few more words, so hopefully today she will be able to talk more. We need to get her to start eating. I guess at 4 am the nurses tried to put an NG tube down her nose (why they thought 4 am was a good time puzzles me, especially since she was sleeping) but Wade put a stop to that. They haven't even let her try to eat on her own yet. Urrr...that makes me upset. So thankfully Wade protectively said we need to let her try first. I think they are going to give her today to try...I know we can get her to eat, she absolutely hates NG tubes.

We might be transferring to the regular floor today, yeah! Better sleep for all!

They started doing ultrasound every other day, so yesterday was our first day without one. It makes me a little nervous, but there really has been no change in about a week. So, it makes sense.

Today should be a good day. It has been so fun having our Kaelyn back. She is laughing and trying to play and sing (with no voice, it's pretty cute!). And she also has been loving to try and blow bubbles (little does she know that it is therapy for her lungs!).

Love to all,



Anonymous said...


What incredible news!

Anonymous said...

That's so good!

Angie please tell Kaelyn that I can't wait to see her. We'll bring her toys in the hospital. I'm glad she's feeling better.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Kaelyn is doing better. I'm so glad she is extubated. About the whole 4 o'clock in the morning NG tube thing, sometimes you have to wonder!! How crazy!
Here's hoping she'll eat, get her voice back, and be feeling better each day.
Thinking of you,