Sunday, September 10, 2006

Thrombosis, again...

Kaelyn went into surgery again today with the expectation of closing her tummy. Dr. Healey got in there and once again found a blood clot in her hepatic artery. So he has revised it. The last update I heard was that they were waiting for the ultrasound tech to come and make sure it was working. She has been in surgery for close to 7 hours.

They just don't know what to do to keep her from clotting. She is on her theraputic dose of heperine. It is a constant drip. She should not be clotting. They are running some tests to see if she has a clotting disorder, but those results will not be back for about 4 days. Even once we get the results back, I don't know what else they can do to prevent her from clotting. Maybe they have something a little more agressive than heperine. But we also don't want her to bleed either. Arhhhhh!

I will write later after I have had a chance to talk to Dr. Healey. Maybe he has some advice or insight.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no...

Something *will* work out for her. It will.