Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Clinic appointment

So today Kaelyn had her first outpatient clinic appointment post transplant. All of her numbers look really good. They are lower than they have ever been. This is good. Dr. Healey said that if her numbers keep looking this good for the next month that she is probably out of the woods for bile duct damage. Hopefully they will look good from here on out. There is a chance that the leak in her biliary system could be a sign of narrowing and blockages in the bile ducts. The hope is that the drainage will discontinue and that would mean that the little leak is all healed and the bile is flowing where it is supposed to. If it keeps draining we may need to put a bile drain in. That always seems to be hanging over our heads...but it may not happen. The JP drain she has right now is not really putting out much, so hopefully it will soon just be down to nothing and we can remove it and not worry about anymore bile issues. Time will tell.

Other than the doctor visit Kaelyn has been so happy to be home! It is really just good for body and spirit to be in your own home (for both Kaelyn and I). It is really fun to see her running around again, even if she is still a little wobbly from not using her muscles for 5 weeks. She looks like a new little walker.

Time to gives meds and get everyone to bed, me included.


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