Saturday, October 07, 2006

Kaelyn is home!

I know I have left some holes in the story, but first things first: We are home! Kaelyn was discharged yesterday evening and we got home around 6:30 pm. It feels soooo good. Kaelyn and Jacob have really been enjoying being "a family" again. That's what they both keep telling me. Very cute.

So, on Monday, Kaelyn ended up only having an ultrasound. Her liver numbers were much better on monday and have continued to get better. The ultrasound showed that the common bile duct was filled with some sludge. Thus the reason the numbers went up. So they decided to just put her on Ursodile (bile thinner) and not do the whole liver biopsy/cholangiogram thing (thank heavens, literally). So, here we are, home.

She did have to issues with withdrawal from her narcotics. So I did bring her home on a slower wean, but we can handle that. Atleast I have my little drug addict home! We just need to interest her in eating now. She also came home with one of her JP drains. She had a scan done yesterday where they pushed some contrast into the drain and watched where it went. It does communicated with the biliary system, so Dr. Healey just wants to leave it in for a couple more weeks. He feels that it is such a slow leak that it will heal up on its own. But we have dealt with tubes and drains for so long that it only feels 'normal' to come home with one! Eventually though, she should have no tubes comeing out of her belly, won't that be amazing!

We are just going to enjoy our little family this weekend and have fun with each other!

Love ya,



Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you guys!! What a relief that you're finally all together again! When you're done having catch-up family time, there's some serious playtime in our future!


Anonymous said...

I an so glad that you guys are finally home! i can't wait to see you guys at church. Congrads!


Anonymous said...

Yea for being home!! I've been checking all week, so anxious to know how Kaelyn & her liver are doing!!
I'm so happy for you guys, Megan