Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hunger partially satiated

They did let Kaelyn start on clear liquids yesterday. I had the surgeons paged twice in order to get them to make their decision and put the orders in the computer. They said at 7:15 am that they would make the decision, but it didn't actually happen until around 11. A 5 year old does not understand that the doctors said yes you can eat, but you have to wait until they put "orders" in the computer. It was a rough 4 hours. She still wants more then just broth and jello though. She keeps asking why she can't have noodles in her soup. Hopefully today they can advance her to atleast a full liquid diet. Then she could have malt-o-meal and yogurt.

They also took her off of her epidural last night. Wade spent the night with her and he said it was miserable. They put her on an oral pain med. This made her belly hurt, since all she has in her tummy is liquids (I am very upset they did this, you would think dr's should think about those things...grrr). She also is having some pretty bad gas pains that I guess the epidural was masking. The pain service needs to do something more for her. Wade had them paged around 4 times last night, but it sounds like they really didn't do much. They actually made her get out of bed and try to walk around 3 am! She hasn't been able to sit up let alone stand!!!! I am very upset. When I get in there today, there will be some heads rolling. I am usually a very calm, quiet person. But this day is the day my inner banshee comes out. What were they thinking?!!

On the flip side, today is the Pinewood Derby for Jacob. So he is going to go race his car that he and Wade made. I have to put on a happy face for now. Jacob deserves that. He really is a superhero alongside Kaelyn.


Anonymous said...

What a horrible experience. . .You are right, "what were they thinking?". . .seriously, bring your 'Mother Bear Persona' with you today. You are all in our prayers. Good luck Jacob! ~Aunt Fran

Wendy said...

For Jacob I hope his pine wood derby went well, Kyle had his a few months ago.
Kayln is in my thoughts and prayers. i hope she starts feeling better soon.
Kick the stupid doctors who forget she is just a baby.

Sherrie said...

Angie, Your are in our thoughts! We hope that your little girl makes a full recovery and comes home soon!

Sherrie and Michael Brimhall

Heather said...

we are praying for her (and you) Please let me know if I can help in some way.